Thursday, November 21, 2013

Round Glasses Help to Picture A Real Meg Ryan Style

Round Glasses
Meg Ryan. The very name conjures up a vision of a youthful and cheerful actress who has starred in every romantic comedy we have seen. She became one of the most successful actresses in spite of not conforming to any norm. She continues to be a one-of-kind actress at 52, with a style of her own.

Meg Ryan’s style can almost be described as androgynous, as seen in movies like “When Harry met Sally” and “French Kiss”. Her hair cut is what makes her different from any other actress. It was shaggy and neither did it have any shape or style, but it still became as popular as the “Rachel” cut.

We are here to look back at the days when Meg Ryan was at her stylish best. In 1995, she stepped out wearing huge round sunglasses which instantly reminded us of John Lennon. The rest of her outfit was similar to what she wore in the movie “Sleepless in Seattle” which was released in the year 1993. The round frame glasses she wore covered most of her face and yet she managed to dazzle us all with her smile. Her hair fell all over her forehead and she made no attempt to move them away. This is why we described Meg Ryan as a non-conformist.

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