Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Optometry Jokes- Wearing Happily All Day Long

Optometry Jokes- Wearing Happily All Day Long

A number of optometry jokes are available on the internet. These are of varying quality, some being better and some worse. A number of very amusing jokes are available. These are quite witty and sarcastic. 

For instance, “What was the lens’s excuse to the police offer? I’ve been framed”! 

“How do you take over the globe? Answer; with a contact lens.” 

“What did the mother contact lens say to the baby contact lens, go and sit in the cornea! “ 

These jokes make use of puns and wordplay to achieve their effect. A number of jokes are related to glasses frames. What games do frames play? Tag! 

Others relate to spectacles, like this one. “What happened to the Lab Tech when he fell into the lens grinder?“ He made a spectacle of himself! 

Some of the jokes cast levity on wearing glasses. “The optician says: You need glasses. Patient: But I’m wearing glasses. Optician: Then I need glasses” 

And also this one, “How many optometrists does it take to screw in a light-bulb? (I don’t know)You tell me, is it one or two?” 

Others are based on ethnicity like this one; “Polish man goes to an Optician...Optician covers up one eye and says ,”Can you read the bottom line?” Answer:”Read it, I know him”.

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