Monday, March 3, 2014

Surprising Fans at Miley Cyrus Concert

Surprising Fans at Miley Cyrus Concert

Miley Cyrus put up a great show on Saturday night by performing a very racy routine. This included kissing Katy Perry and slapping the derriere of one of her dancers. A number of celebrities attended the performance including the Kardashian sisters, Katy Perry, Nicole Richie and Hilary Duff. There were also two surprising fans at the Miley Cyrus concert.
These two were Diane Keaton and Sarah Paulson. They showed up at the Staples Center ahead of the show. Both Diane and Sarah wore rather quirky outfits. Sarah wore a powder blue jumper over a white shirt with a Peter Pan collar, black midi skirt and suede ankle boots. Diane on the other hand sported a somewhat androgynous look. She wore a gray three piece suit with a white shirt and black accessories in the form of a beret, bow tie and boots. 
Diane Keaton wore prescription glasses with cat eye glasses frames. These gave her a mature and serious look. The horn rimmed glasses suited her features and complemented her formal attire. Her reading glasses also complemented the black cap she wore. Diane and Sarah starred together in the film ’12 Years a Slave’. They have been friends ever since working on the 1999 movie ‘The Other Sister’ together. 
( source: )

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