Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lady Gaga, Lemon Slice From Top to Toe Even for Eyeglasses

 Lady Gaga, lemon Slice From Top to Toe Even for Eyeglasses

Dressing as a bride is something which every girl thinks of doing at some point in her life. However, for Lady Gaga, the mother monster, it is all in a days’ work. This Thursday, Lady Gaga turned up in total bridal lycra bodysuit and lemon slice from top to toe even for eyeglasses! And the most shocking of all were the pair of fashion glasses she wore. This pair of glasses looks just like lemon slice. And it is very funny on her. The lenses of the pair of goggles looked like wheels of cars and had white frames. It almost looked like she was wearing the lower part of a car on her eyes! These special glasses and the Lady Gaga costume she wore are surely going to be remembered for a long time for her fans and non-fans, alike. 

Lady Gaga has always been known for eccentricity and for her weird fashion choices. Let us not forget the fact that she is actually a singer and not actually a lady who has gone gaga! Every other day, she keeps coming up with something new and sometimes with something to extreme that we are forced to think that only she can get away with something like that! Remember her meat dress? Any other celebrity wearing that would have been turned into minced meat by the Paparazzi but she was spared. Why? Because she is lady gaga! The name certainly suits her.

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